Saturday, June 21, 2008

last weekend

Landon and Tara Roberts! It was such a privilege to stand along side them on their wedding day. It was a special day for all of us.

Traveling from Sand Point to Ketchikan takes two days. I overnighted in Anchorage on my way there and Juneau on the return leg. In both places I stayed with special people I feel lucky to call friends! To Penny and her dad Steve, Dylan and Abby Burt, Shannon, Trevor, John and Tabitha Gentry and John and Keely Bannister/Moon, it was so great to spend time with you, though I have to say it was waaaaaaay too short.

And Cori surprised me by flying from Portland!!!
It was such a fun, emotion-filled, whirlwind
weekend, the pictures are necessary proof to myself that I was there. I didn't realize how homesick I am for Southeast until I was there among all those trees and mist! There is just no place on earth closer to my heart. It's even better when I'm sharing it with my sister.

1 comment:

Cori Jessy said...

heck yes you saw your sister!!