Thursday, June 19, 2008

here fishy

Sand Point, AK. Population 950.

While I was in Ketchikan to be a bride's maid in my friend Tara's wedding (pictures of that will come later), the fleet settled on 70 cents a pound for reds, 18 cents for chum, and started fishing on the 14th. Lately it's been chilly and wet, but not enough to notice among all the fish slime and forklifts on the dock.

Over the last couple of days I've snagged enough jack kings (juveniles under 7lbs) from the bycatch tote to can a batch of salmon. I'll be canning all summer in preparation for winter. There are few things I like better meal-wise than sitting on the kitchen counter with a fork and a jar of salmon I canned myself. Delicious!!!

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